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Exploring The Beautiful History and Architecture of Valencia, Spain
Before we leave Valencia behind in our blog for good, I would be remiss if I didn’t cover some of the amazing sights and events we took in while we were there.  After a couple of weeks of being in...
The Final Push: Prepping to Leave Valencia
Return to Valencia After pulling away from the dock at Puerto Gandia we ran our autopilot configurations, then we were off for our 6 our journey north back to Valencia.  It was a nice sail with...
Our First Haulout in Gandia, Spain
Back at “home” in Valencia, it was time to get serious about addressing any remaining concerns and needed preparations prior to the big Atlantic Crossing. Our primary goals for the haul out to was to get...
Sailing the Balearic Islands: Part 2
Knowing we had a little over a week left until it was time to head back to mainland Spain to prepare for our upcoming Atlantic Crossing, we decided to head around to western and northern sides of Ibiza....
Sailing The Balearic Islands: part 1
After spending a full day and two nights recovering from our crazy trip crossing the Balearic Sea to Ibiza and letting the winds die down a bit, it was time to start moving and explore!  We decided...
Our first big trip: Bound for the Balearics!
Having successfully completed a relatively comfortable weekend on the hook making sure everything we would need to live comfortably worked, we were ready to stretch our legs even further.  Coincidently,...